Modular Construction: NODES – Tokenized Ownership and Financing

Advancing Urban Habitation: The Integration of Modular Design and Cross-Laminated Timber in Compact Environments


The persistent pursuit of efficacious and adaptable living environments has been a driving impetus within architectural innovation over the years. At the forefront of this initiative is the NODES (Novel Organizational Designs for Enhanced Spaces) project, emphasizing the amalgamation of modular design construction and cross-laminated timber (CLT) to engender hyper-efficient living environments. Spearheading this movement is our CityHome research, dedicated to the paradigm shift in conceptualizing and utilizing spatial arrangements. In this research endeavor, we delve into the potential of compact modular apartments, scrutinize the role of robotic furniture in this context, and examine the multifaceted environmental and social benefits intrinsic to this pioneering approach.

Compact Apartments:

Credits: Oriliving  MIT Media Lab- City Science 

The trajectory toward more condensed living spaces represents an ongoing exploration in response to the challenges posed by urbanization and escalating demand for sustainable housing solutions. Within this context, the examined apartment serves as an exemplar, featuring a walk-in closet seamlessly transitioning into an on-demand office, with the bed descending from the ceiling. This application of modular design ingenuity accommodates a spectrum of apartment sizes, addressing not only confined spaces but also configurations of medium and large dimensions. The primary innovation resides in the efficient doubling of space utilization, providing a dynamic and adaptable resolution to the constraints of conventional living arrangements.

City-Scale Impact:

The vision of the NODES project transcends singular apartments; their city-scale platform facilitates the relocation of these modular units to diverse locations, enabling a real-time evaluation of their impact. Through strategically situating these modules in varied settings, the project seeks to elucidate and comprehend how this innovative approach may redefine urban landscapes and elevate living standards.

Environmental and Social Impact:

The incorporation of modular design and CLT construction holds the promise not only to revolutionize spatial efficiency but also to yield commendable environmental and social dividends. While the environmental footprint is characterized as modest, the consequential economic and social advantages are noteworthy. The judicious use of resources in construction, coupled with the adaptability of these living spaces, contributes substantively to fostering a more sustainable and resilient urban infrastructure.

Tokenized System in Modular Design:

A pivotal aspect of our visionary approach involves the integration of a tokenized system within the modular design paradigm. This innovative financial instrument empowers residents to invest in their living spaces and facilitates the seamless transfer of these investments or entire homes to other cities equipped with a similar kit of modular components. The tokenized system operates as a decentralized ledger, enabling secure and transparent transactions. Residents not only become stakeholders in their living environments but also gain the flexibility to relocate their investments or homes, fostering a dynamic and interconnected network of urban spaces. This transformative capability represents a pioneering step towards a more fluid and globally interconnected housing ecosystem, where individuals can invest in and transfer their homes with unprecedented ease and efficiency.